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Category: IP Knowledge
- Husen Memon
- July 30, 2021
- 12:00 am
Fees for filing a patent in Italy Fees associated with filing patent applications in Italy as well as other patent...
- Husen Memon
- July 30, 2021
- 12:00 am
Trademark application filing fees Fees associated with filing the trademark applications in Italy, as well as other trademark fees, are...
- Husen Memon
- July 30, 2021
- 12:00 am
Industrial Design Application filing fees in Ireland Fees associated with filing the industrial design application in Italy as well as...
- Husen Memon
- July 30, 2021
- 12:00 am
Fees for filing a PCT national phase patent application Fees associated with Italian PCT national phase entry as well as...
- Husen Memon
- July 30, 2021
- 12:00 am
European patent Translation into Italia The translation of the European patent specification into Italian has to be submitted within three...
- Husen Memon
- July 29, 2021
- 12:00 am
Fees for Patent filing in Hungary Fees associated with filing patent applications in Hungary as well as other patent fees...
- Husen Memon
- July 29, 2021
- 12:00 am
Trademark application filing fees in Hungary Fees associated with filing the trademark application in Hungary as well as other trademark...
- Husen Memon
- July 29, 2021
- 12:00 am
Industrial Design Application Filing Fees Fees associated with filing an industrial design application in Hungary as well as other design...
- Husen Memon
- July 29, 2021
- 12:00 am
Fees for filing PCT national phase patent application in Hungary Fees associated with Hungarian PCT National Phase Entry as well...
- Husen Memon
- July 29, 2021
- 12:00 am
European patent translation into Hungarian For validation of a European patent in Hungary, it is necessary to provide the HIPO...