Dr. Acharya is a Patent and Trade Marks Attorney and he provides comprehensive as well as strategic advice to both domestic and international clients.

He has an extensive background in prosecution and litigation of Patent, Trade Marks, Design, Copyright, and other intellectual property-related matters.

Dr. Acharya is registered to practice before Indian & Canadian Patent & Trade Marks Offices and is also a member of The Bar Council of Gujarat INDIA. Under his expert guidance, our firm represents a diverse range of clients, from individual inventors to emerging growth companies to Fortune 500 corporations in all areas of Intellectual Property, counseling, and protection. He uses brainstorming and teamwork principles to determine and establish winning IP Strategies for our clients. His extensive experience enables him to deal competently with the complex patent subject matter in many areas of Scientific Endeavour.

Educational Accomplishments

Dr. Acharya received a Master of Science degree in Chemistry, followed by a Doctorate degree with a specialization in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Gujarat University. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Laws from Gujarat University. His many research papers and articles are published in various national as well as international research journals and magazines on intellectual property rights.

Best known for his books on Intellectual Property Rights laws in India These books are frequently preferred by IP law professionals and Law communities in India and abroad.

He has been a speaker at various International Seminar at prestigious intellectual property annual meetings and events namely NAPP, IIPLA, IP Court of Korea, Beijing Patent Attorneys Association, Yokohama IP Seminar, India-China (Suqian) Business & Investment Forum & ‘India Week’, ABPI Congress in São Paulo, etc,.

Internationally associated with:
American Bar Association (ABA), American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA), Association Internationale Pour LA Protection DE LA Propriete Industrielle (AIPPI), Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA), American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI), The Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM), Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), European Community Trademark Association (ECTA), Federation Internationale des Conseils en Propriete Industrielle (FICPI), Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI), German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR), Indian Licensing Association (ILA), International Trademark Association (INTA), Intellectual Property Law Practitioners Association (IPLPA), Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) USA, The Institute of Trademark Attorneys (ITMA), Japan Trademark Association (JTA), Licensing Executive Society (LES) USA & Canada Inc., The Association of European Trade Marks Owners (MARQUES), National Association of Patent Practitioners (NAPP) USA, Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG), The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE). U. S. – India Importers’ Council (USIIC).

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