Filing Industrial Design Application in Belarus

Industrial Design Application Fees

Fees associated with filing industrial design applications in Belarus as well as other design fees are available in the fee calculator.

Multiple industrial design applications

It is possible to request registration of several designs (multiple design applications) provided that they belong to the same class of the Locarno Classification and concern the same object or may be identified as a kit of goods and have a single design concept. When filing a multiple application, the applicant must specify the number of designs. An additional fee must be paid for each design.

Filing requirements of an industrial design application in Belarus

The official languages of the industrial design prosecution before the Belarus Intellectual Property Office are Belarusian and Russian.

For the obtainment of a filing date, an industrial design application in Belarus shall contain the following:

– a request to grant a design patent, containing the applicant’s address and citizenship;

– set of pictures.

The submission of the Priority Document is not required.

Notarization or legalization of the Power of Attorney is not required. It must be submitted to the Belarus Intellectual Property Office simultaneously with filing an industrial design application or within two months from the filing date.

The deadline for filing a design application to register a design in Belarus claiming priority is six months from the date of priority. This term can be restored within two months from the lapsed term.

Analysis of an industrial design application in Belarus

The examination according to the requirements of patentability is not conducted in respect of industrial design applications in Belarus.

Novelty grace period of industrial design application

Disclosure of the information about the design shall not disprove its novelty if it was made by the inventor or the applicant or a third party that obtained said information directly or indirectly from them and if said disclosure occurred within 6 months before filing the design application with the Belarus Patent Office.

Grant, validity term, and design renewal fees in Belarus

The official fees for grant and publication should be paid within three months from the date of receipt of the decision to register a design. The industrial design registration in Belarus is valid for ten years with the possibility of extension for additional five years. The extension may be conducted in case the owner submits the corresponding request before the expiration of the basic design validity term. The first design annuities starting from the 1st year, if they are already due, must be paid within this term as well. All next annuities are paid before the beginning of the next year.

Duration of an industrial design application registration procedure

The average time from filing up to grant of an industrial design in Belarus is 6-12 months.

Representation by a Belarusian patent attorney

Foreigners must perform industrial design prosecution in Belarus through an agent, a registered Belarusian patent attorney.


Online Search Database for Belarusian Designs.

If you have any queries related to the Industrial Design Filing in Belarus, please contact IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

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