Patent Filing in Bulgaria

Fees For Patent in Bulgaria 

Fees associated with filing patent applications in Bulgaria as well as other patent charges are available in the fee calculator.

The term for filing a Bulgarian patent application

The term for filing a patent application in Bulgaria claiming conventional priority is 12 months from the priority date. The extension of this deadline is not stipulated.

Minimum patent filing requirements in Bulgaria

To obtain a filing date the patent application in Bulgaria must contain:

– a request to grant a patent containing the title of the invention and the data identifying the applicant in Bulgarian;

– specification and drawings in any language.

Language of the patent application in Bulgaria

The official language is Bulgarian. If the patent application is filed in any other foreign language, translation into Bulgarian should be provided within three months from the filing date of the application. This term cannot be extended.

Priority document for application

Priority may be claimed within two months from the filing date. The priority document must be submitted within three months of filing the patent application in Bulgaria. Translation into Bulgarian should be provided at the request of the BPO.

Power of Attorney requirements in Bulgaria

The official legalization is not required for patent registration in Bulgaria. A signed and stamped copy of the POA may be submitted within three months from the filing date.

Substantive examination request on the application

The substantive examination on Bulgarian patent application should be requested within 13 months from the filing date or, if the priority is claimed, from the priority date.

Novelty grace period for Bulgarian patent application

A Bulgarian patent application may be filed within six months after the disclosure at an officially recognized exhibition.

Grant, validity term, and maintenance fees for application in Bulgaria

Patents in Bulgaria are valid for 20 years from the filing date. Annual maintenance fees are due each year starting from the first one and should be paid within three months from receipt of the Notice of Allowance alongside fees for grant and publication. All subsequent annual fees should be paid in advance no later than the last day of the month when the anniversary of the filing date occurs. Payment cannot be made more than 12 months before the anniversary of the filing date. Late payment of annuities is possible within 6 months from the due date together with a corresponding surcharge. It is not possible to pay annuities in an accumulated manner.

Representation by a Bulgarian patent attorney

Foreign applicants must perform the patent prosecution in Bulgaria through an agent, a registered Bulgarian patent attorney.


1. Online Database for European Patents (EPO) Search.

2. The patent in Bulgaria may also be obtained via registration of the European patent and its further validation in Bulgaria.

3. Inventions may also be protected as Utility Models in Bulgaria, which are subject to formal examination only. Methods, chemical compounds, and the use of a product are not protectable. The time frame for registration of utility models is 12-18 months. The initial protection term is 4 years with two renewals, 3 years each.

If you have any queries related to the Patent Filing in Bulgaria please contact IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

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