Trademark Filing in Denmark

Trademark application fees in Denmark

Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Denmark, as well as other trademark charges, are available in the fee calculator.

Multiple-class Trademark applications in Denmark

Multiple-class trademark applications are possible in Denmark.

Minimum Trademark filing documents in Denmark

To obtain a filing date, it is necessary to provide the Danish Patent Office with:

– applicant’s name and address;

– exact reproduction of the trademark;

– list of goods and/or services as per the international classification; and

– name and address of the agent as well as a Power of Attorney.

Requirements to the Power of Attorney in Denmark

Legalization or notarization of the POA is not required. A scanned copy of the signed Power of Attorney is sufficient. It may be submitted after filing.

Priority document for application

Submission of the priority document is not required when filing a trademark application in Denmark; however, information about the priority application should be provided.

Opposition period for Trademark Application

The oppositions against trademark registration in Denmark must be filed within two months from publication of the application. The opposition procedure takes place before the registration.

Grant, validity term, and trademark renewal in Denmark

No official grant fee is stipulated. As of January 1, 2019, trademarks in Denmark are valid for ten years from the filing date and may be renewed for ten-year periods. The 10-year validity term of the trademarks registered before January 1, 2019, is still counted from the registration date. The request for renewal shall be effected by payment of the prescribed fee to the Patent and Trademark Office within six months before the expiry of the registration period or within a six-month grace period.

Use requirement

Trademarks in Denmark may be canceled based on non-use if it has not been used within five years from the termination of the registration procedure.

Representation by a Danish trademark attorney

For foreigners, it is necessary to perform trademark prosecution in Denmark through a local agent, a registered Danish trademark attorney.


1. Online Search Databases: Danish Trademarks, EU Trademarks, International Trademarks.

2. The Trademark protection in Denmark may also be obtained via European Union Trademark registration.

3. The response to the provisional refusal of an international registration in Denmark can be filed within 4 months from the date the Office issues the refusal. Requests to extend the 4-month time limit can be submitted with the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. The response can be submitted in any of the following languages: English, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian. It is recommended to appoint a local representative, a Danish trademark attorney. The Office does not provide for the revision of the provisional refusal. Appeals can be filed with the Danish Board of Appeals for Patents and Trademarks.

If you have any queries related to the Trademark Filing in Denmark, please contact IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

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