Race Signs Global License Agreement with City of Hope for Access to FTO IP

July 11, 2023

Race, a leading company in the field, has entered into a global license agreement with City of Hope, enabling access to City of Hope’s Freedom to Operate (FTO) intellectual property (IP). This strategic collaboration paves the way for Race to leverage City of Hope’s valuable IP assets in their research and development efforts.


The agreement between Race and City of Hope represents a mutually beneficial partnership that combines expertise and resources. City of Hope, a renowned research and treatment center, possesses a robust portfolio of FTO IP, which provides legal clearance for the development and commercialization of products and technologies without infringing on existing patents.


By securing a global license agreement with City of Hope, Race gains access to a wealth of IP assets that can fuel their innovation and product development initiatives. This collaboration enhances Race’s capabilities to drive research, expedite the development of novel solutions, and bring them to market efficiently while ensuring compliance with intellectual property rights.


The agreement also exemplifies the significance of collaborations between industry players and research institutions in advancing scientific progress and fostering innovation. By leveraging City of Hope’s expertise and IP portfolio, Race can tap into a wide range of research findings, technologies, and know-how, enabling synergistic efforts towards transformative breakthroughs.


Moreover, this partnership demonstrates Race’s commitment to ensuring legal compliance and respecting the intellectual property rights of other innovators. The access to City of Hope’s FTO IP enables Race to operate confidently within the boundaries of existing patents, mitigating the risks associated with potential infringement.


For City of Hope, this collaboration presents an opportunity to expand the impact of their intellectual property by enabling its use in Race’s research and development endeavors. By granting Race a global license to their FTO IP, City of Hope contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge and fosters the development of innovative solutions that can benefit patients and society as a whole.

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