Trademark Filing in Saudi Arabia

Trademark fees

Get in touch with IIPLA today for Fees associated with Trademark applications in Saudi Arabia.

Multiple-class applications

As per the Saudi Trademark office, Multiple-class applications are not possible.

Filing requirements in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, the official language of the proceedings trademark application is Arabic.

To secure a filing date, a Saudi trademark should contain:

– a list of services and goods for which the protection is sought.

– a request for registration;

– representation of a trademark;

Documents Required;-

-A certified copy of the Priority Document and its Arabic translation 

-A copy of a legalized Power of Attorney 

Publication, opposition, and examination of a trademark application in Saudi Arabia

An examination is performed as to compliance with formal and substantive requirements. Besides, the Saudi trademark office also carries out a search for past trademarks. The application is then published for opposition.

Grant, validity term and trademark renewal

You have to pay the grant fee within 180 days from the end of the publication period. The validity of Saudi trademarks is valid for 9 years and eight months (10 Hijra years). You may file a renewal request within the last year of the protection period. Late renewal is possible within a six-month grace period after the expiration of the protection term.

Duration of the registration procedure

Approximate time from filing up to grant is 3-5 months in case no oppositions have been filed and 12 months with oppositions.

Use requirement

Trademark registration may be canceled if a trademark is not used within five years from the registration date.

Representation by a trademark attorney

For foreign applicants, it is necessary to perform trademark registration through a local trademark attorney. 

If you have any queries related to the National Phase Entry in Saudi Arabia, please contact the IIPLA team. We will be more than happy to resolve your queries free of cost.

If you wish to request a quote for Saudi Arabia, please fill the below form:

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